The main legislation associated with parks and open spaces is as follows:
The law in relation to parks and open spaces is contained in a number of statutory provisions extending over many years beginning with the Public Health Act 1875 as amended, allowed the purchase, lay out, plant improvement and maintenance of land for use as public walks and pleasure grounds. The Open Spaces Act 1906 defined open space and contained provisions for open spaces to be transferred to the Council’s management. The Public Health Amendment Act 1907 allowed for the enclosure of areas within parks for organised games, the supply of apparatus for such and charging for the use of the apparatus. The Physical Training and Recreation Act 1937 redefined the duties in the Public Health Acts by empowering local authorities to provide and equip playing fields and provide the first open spaces intended purely for the playing of games. The Local Government Act 1972 contained provision for entertainment in parks and The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 conferred general powers to provide recreational facilities.
Whilst the provision of parks and open spaces is not a statutory function the Local Government Act 1999, provides local authorities with the powers to promote the economic, social and environmental well being of their communities. The provision of good quality parks and open spaces can make a huge contribution to all aspects of well being.
Castle point have a number of Parks byelaws