Road Closure


Residents are being encouraged to hold street parties to celebrate the Coronation Coronation weekend celebrations that will bring communities together announced - GOV.UK ( including simple arrangements to allow you to close your street.

Please just email with your street details and our Licensing Team will guide you through the simple process.

No formal licence or payment is needed to close a road for a small coronation street party, however we do need to know about them to check bus routes are not affected, and that appropriate alternative routes are available. The guidelines below explain the difference between a small local street party & a large event (which would need more formal licences and formal consultation etc).

Your guide to organising a street party - GOV.UK (

Please note:

  • We will expect the organiser to contact all residents who would be affected by the road closure and for everyone to agree to it.
  • CPBC will not formally close the road for residents, they will be responsible for putting up a simple barrier/ tape / signage and making arrangements for emergency access.
  • Applications will need to be submitted at least four weeks before the event
  • There may be limits on the length of time the road can be closed
  • Tables / chairs etc are not supplied


Road closures for other special events  

The Council’s powers under The Town Police Clauses Act 1847 to close streets to prevent obstruction for events involving public rejoicing, or illuminations have been used to facilitate a small number of long standing customary events such as Christmas light illuminations, local charitable events and carnivals, parades and annual remembrance parades.

There are limitations on the Council’s use of such powers and any significant new event, either in its nature or scale involving highway closure would not be entertained by the Borough Council under this legislation. In such cases there are powers available under the Special Events Act 1994 but an application would need to be made direct to Essex County Council as the Highway Authority. 

If an order is made your organisation must take responsibility in terms of common and criminal law for the consequences of the event, especially if there are defects in the planning and control of the event. This responsibility extends to the safety of the public attending the event and damage arising from the event, whoever causes it.

You are advised to plan in advance and applications must be made with all the necessary information at least three months before the date of the proposed event. You are required to consult with the Highway Authority and the Police at an earlier stage of your proposals before submitting an application to ensure what you are proposing is feasible in advance of formal consultations taking place.

If after you have read the advice you are able to meet all the conditions you should complete the  application form and attach all the necessary information specified in the checklist. In particular your attention is drawn to the requirement that a proper risk assessment is undertaken for the safety of both participants and road users.

You will also need to ensure in consultation with the police and highway authority that satisfactory arrangements will be made for marshalling, erection and removal of suitable road barriers, traffic control and access for emergency services. If the Highway Authority or the Police do not support the closure or there are unresolved objections, an order will not be made.


  1. Closures will not be authorised unless a completed application form with all the required enclosures is received at least three calendar months before the proposed date of the event. Please submit the completed form and relevant paperwork to: Licensing Department, Castle Point Borough Council, Kiln Road, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 1TF
  2. You must examine and use in preference if possible, alternative locations off the public highway, such as a public open space, or sports field.
  3. You will not be permitted to hold an event on a road for which there is no suitable alternative for the volume of displaced traffic, or during peak traffic flow periods.
  4. You must consult with the Police and The Highway Authority before making an application.
  5. You must satisfy the Highway Authority and the Borough Council that you have proper marshalling and traffic management measures and will maintain access to all properties for emergency vehicles and pedestrians throughout the event.
  6. You must obtain Public Liability Insurance Cover to the value of £5,000,000 for the proposed event.
  7. Closures will not be authorised if the Highway Authority or the Police do not support the closure or there are unresolved concerns regarding any aspect of the proposals.

Rolling Road Closures

For processions and marches.
Application form for a road closure [pdf] 125KB

Road Closure for Maintenance

Since 2005, all issues relating to roads, including road safety, road adoption, road works, gritting, road signs and pavements, are the responsibility of Essex County Council.

For more information, please contact 0345 603 7631 Email: