Comments and Suggestions

We welcome comments and suggestions about how we run our services. Your views help us to improve services and recognise the special needs of some of our service users. So if you have comments or suggestions or think we could do better, please let us know. We also like to know when you think we did something well or you were impressed by the service you received. Comments and are confidential. We will act on what you tell us, but will not identify you or give details of what you say without your consent. At times, we ask for comments and objections as part of our decision making process. We take those comments and objections into account but the decision may not always be what you wanted.

How we deal with suggestions and complaints

  • We aim to be helpful and efficient.
  • We like to know when you think we did something well.
  • We need to know when things go wrong, so we can learn from our mistakes.
  • We welcome suggestions about how we run our services.
  • We have a formal complaints procedure.

How do I make comments or suggestion about a council service?

Have Your Say

The only way the Council can really improve its services is to receive your feedback and views

You can:

Comments and suggestions are confidential. We will act on what you tell us, but will not identify you, or the detail of the issue you raise, without your consent.

At times, we ask for comments and objections as part of our decision - making processes. We take those comments and objections into account but the decision may not always be what you wanted.