The Castle Point Plan

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The Castle Point Plan

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Your community. Your views.

Have your say on The Castle Point Plan


Castle Point Borough Council is committed to providing best value and the best possible level of service to its customers. Complaints are confidential. We will act on what you tell us, but will not identify you or the detail of the issue without your consent.
Some reports are simply requests and not complaints and therefore residents need to see the relevant sections below to ensure that the request/complaint is directed to the correct department for the quickest resolution to be found.


It's nice to know when we're getting things right, and that people are happy with our staff and services. We will record your compliment and then share it with the individual or team that you are complimenting. Compliments are also shared with senior managers who congratulate the staff involved.

Please complete the brief compliment form

Complaints about roads, pavements, street lighting and pot holes

Please use the link below to report problems with roads, pavements, street lighting and pot holes.

Housing Services, finding a new home, repairs and tenant issues

Residents who wish to make a complaint about any of the following services, (maintenance, tenancy & estate management or application to find a new home) because we have failed to deal with your original request, can email their complaint to the following; .

Castle Point Borough Council carries out an annual self assessment [pdf] 131KB to ensure effective complaint handling, to learn from complaints, to improve processes and to comply with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint handling code [pdf] 287KB

Refuse & Recycling

Missed collection

Has your collection been missed?  Please see:

Lost your collection box?

Need a new yellow box or food waste caddy?
Please Telephone 01268 882200 or email and a new one will be delivered to you.

Have a question?

Please first check our FAQ section   If  you are unable to find the answer to your question please email

Have another complaint?

Residents who wish to make a complaint about our Refuse and Recycling Services, can email their complaint to the following


Street Scene

Please use the link below to report problems with litter, fly tipping, litter bins, dead animals, graffiti, grass cutting and street nameplates

Residents who wish to make a complaint because we have failed to deal with your original request, or have any questions about Street Scene, can email their complaint to the following

How do I complain about a Council Service?

We are committed to providing high quality services to people in the borough. We strive to succeed most of the time but there may be times when things go wrong and you feel dissatisfied. You may not be happy with a service we provide or with action or the lack of action. You have a right to tell us if something is wrong and can be improved. Your comments may well improve things for everyone.

You can:

  • Fill in an online Form - Make a Complaint
  • Download a copy of this form for you to fill in electronically, print the completed form and send it, together with any supporting documents, by post.
  • You can contact us by telephone, e-mail, fax, in writing or in person.

Complaints procedure

The Council has a detailed complaints procedure. The procedure makes sure we properly look into your complaint and give you a considered response.

Stage one

The first thing we ask you to do is to raise the matter with the staff concerned. You can telephone, write a letter or call at their office. We hope they will be able to put things right, or explain why they can't within 10 working days. A Head of Service, Service Manager or Team Leader will deal with your complaint at this stage.

Stage two

If you have contacted the relevant department about your complaint and you are still not happy, the Council has an official Customer Complaint Procedure.

The procedure covers the way we, the Council, have done, or not done something. It relates to the services we provide either directly or through partnerships or contractors.

Please Contact us  and request a complaints pack.

The Customer Care Officer will investigate your complaint and write back to you with the outcome within 25 working days. If your complaint is justified, the Council will let you know how it intends to put matters right.

Putting things right

If we get something wrong, we will do our best to make amends. We will review our policy and procedures to try to stop it happening again. It is our policy to admit our mistakes and offer a full apology. We monitor complaints and we use this information to improve the way we deliver services.

What if I need help?

If there is anything which makes it difficult for you to let us know what you think, make suggestions or to pursue your complaint, for example if English is not your first language or you have a disability, please tell us how we might help you. Whether you need advice on filling in the forms or if you require information in large print, or other languages, please contact us.

If you are still not satisfied after the Council has fully investigated, you can refer your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman or Housing Ombudsman

They may decide to investigate your complaint further. However the Ombudsman may ask that the Council's procedures are completed before carrying out their investigation.

How do I complain about a Councillor?

Please visit the page  Making a complaint against a member for details on how to make a complaint against a Council member.

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