Hardship Fund

As part of its response to COVID-19, Central Government has provided Local Authorities in England with new grant funding to support economically vulnerable people and households in their local area by reducing council tax bills for 2020 to 2021.


This additional support is intended to help working age Council Tax payers who are currently in receipt of Local Council Tax Support, or have been, during the financial year starting the 1st of April 2020.


There is no need to contact us to apply for this help – if you are eligible we will automatically credit the reduction to your Council Tax account and send you a revised Council Tax Bill as soon as possible. Your revised bill will clearly show the Hardship Fund as an ‘council tax discretionary relief and you will be given new instalments if you still have a balance to pay.


You will receive a reduction of;

  • £150.00, where your net Council Tax liability is more than £150.00.
  • An amount equivalent to your net Council Tax liability, where your net Council Tax liability is less than £150 – i.e. the reduction will be enough to reduce your Bill balance to Nil.


Details of the Hardship Fund guidance are still being considered by Central Government, so this information may change – if it does we will update this page further.