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Construction Noise

Construction sites and places where demolition take place are usually noisy and can take place in areas, which are normally quiet. Although the work may not last long, the disturbance caused by noise and dust and other issues may lead to problems for people who live and work near the site.


Building Work Restriction Hours

Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 1pm
Sunday/Bank Holiday No Work

Law and Contractors

1. It is in everyone's interest to try and forsee any problems, which could arise and plan ways to avoid them.

2. Ensure you obtain a copy of British Standard 5228 which is a Code of Practice containing information and procedures for noise control on construction and open sites. Copies can be obtained from HMSO or via any good bookshop.

3. The Council has extensive powers to control noise and other nuisance from building sites under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990 if informal action fails to solve any problems. This can involve prescribing working hours and methods. Other legislation is also indicated.


Contractors -

  • Make sure that all sub-contractors are told to carry out their work in compliance with agreed guidelines on noise and dust and other matters.
  • Inform the Environmental Health Department where your activities might be expected to cause disturbance. Detailed laws exist on this.
  • Take all reasonably practicable steps to prevent noise and dust from causing nuisance.
  • DO NOT light bonfires; the penalties are severe and the exemptions are very restricted.

Sites -

  • Sites should be surveyed for the presence of asbestos-containing materials by a competent person. Detailed laws exist on working with and disposal of such material.
  • Avoid the need to park on the street by providing on-site parking wherever possible.
  • Do not allow the use of radios on the site in circumstances where it could cause disturbance.
  • Keep the public footpaths and highways on a clean and tidy state.

Equipment -

  • Select the quietest suitable plant and equipment and keep it properly maintained and observe safe working practices.
  • Ensure that any particularly noisy operations are carried out within the above times.

Neighbours -

  • Give neighbours who may be affected by particular operations at least 48 hours notice.
  • Care must be taken to avoid damage to neighbouring properties.