Missed Collections/Collection Dates


Note: We will try to collect your reported missed collection at the earliest possible time as resources allow.

Can you collect garden waste if it is in the wrong colour bag?

No - Only bags supplied by Castle Point Borough Council can be used. These sacks are made of corn starch which can be recycled along with the garden waste.

Your NEW GARDEN WASTE collection - Starting Spring 2017  

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Can you collect my missed glass?

Yes - Please ensure that it is the correct week for your glass collection. This can be confirmed via our recycling calendar.

Recycling Calendar

We ask that your glass is placed in the yellow box supplied by the council and is available for collection by 7.00 am.

If you have complied with the above please contact us by telephone on 01268 882200.

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Can you collect my missed food waste?

Yes - Please ensure that it is your correct day for collection. This can be confirmed via our recycling calendar.

Recycling Calendar

Your food/green waste must be made available for collection by 7.00 am.

If you have complied with the above please contact us by telephone on 01268 882200

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Can you collect my missed Refuse?

Yes - We ask that your refuse is out for collection by 7.00 am. View the waste calendar for collection dates.

Recycling Calendar

If you have complied with the above please contact us by telephone on 01268 882200

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