The Castle Point Plan

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The Castle Point Plan

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Small business rate relief

Relief is available to ratepayers who occupy:

  • Only one business property in England with a rateable value below £15,000.
  • One main business property and other additional properties, providing all the additional properties have individual rateable values. below £2,900 and the total of the rateable values of all the properties is under £20,000 - relief will apply to the main property only.


Eligible businesses will qualify for relief as follows.

  • The rate bill will be calculated using the small business non-domestic rating multiplier.
  • Businesses with rateable values below £12,000 will receive relief of 100% of their liability. Tapered relief of between 100% and 0% applies for properties with rateable values between £12,000 and £15,000.

The small business non-domestic rating multiplier for 2023/24 is 49.9p. The standard multiplier for 2023/24 is 51.2p

Where a property is eligible for charitable relief and small business relief, charitable relief only will apply.

Any transitional relief will be applied before any small business rate relief is applied.

Since 1 April 2017, every occupied property with a rateable value of less than £51,000 will pay the lower multiplier rather than the standard higher one, regardless of whether it is the ratepayer’s only occupied property - unless the rate payer is also in receipt of a mandatory rate relief.

We will automatically apply this lower multiplier to eligible properties - you do not need to do anything.

Since April 2014, ratepayers receiving small business relief that have taken on an additional property which would previously have disqualified them from receiving relief, will continue to receive their existing relief for 12 months.

If you think you meet these criteria and you haven't already applied for small business rate relief, please complete an application form.

Apply for Small Business Rate Relief