The Castle Point Plan

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The Castle Point Plan

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Your community. Your views.

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Service Update

Unfortunately due to a staff shortage we currently have a backlog of up to 6 weeks. We regret that it will not be possible to provide revised determination dates for applications as we try our best to determine these as efficiently as possible.

Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out the Council's approach to the involvement of the community in planning matters.

On 18 November 2020 the Council approved the Statement of Community Involvement 2020 to supersede the Statement of Community Involvement 2014. The Statement of Community Involvement 2020 comes into effect on 1 December 2020.

Statement of Community Involvement 2020.pdf [pdf] 924KB 


Revised Statement of Community Involvement October 2014 [pdf] 81KB

Statement of Community Involvement March 2006 [pdf] 762KB

Contact Us

If you would like to be kept informed and consulted on Development Plan Document prepared as part of the Local development Framework please contact the planning policy team by phoning 01268 882200. Alternatively you can email