Local Code of Corporate Governance

Castle Point Borough Council is accountable for the proper conduct of public business.  This means ensuring that it operates in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded, properly accounted for, and used economically, efficiently and effectively. 

Each local authority operates under a governance framework that brings together an underlying set of values, legislative requirements, governance principles and management processes that enables it to achieve its aims and objectives.   

Our Local Code of Governance, which you can access from the links below, sets out the governance framework adopted by the Council in line with good practice provided in the Cipfa/SOLACE publication ‘Delivering Good Governance in Local Government’.

This document sets out: 

  • accountability as well as the principles and values by which the Council operates;  
  • how the principles are put into practice in order to enable service delivery to reflect community need and how ongoing evidence is obtained that demonstrates effective operation of these principles throughout the year; 
  • the annual reporting process; and 
  • how the Code is communicated to members, staff and other relevant parties.