Single Person Discount & Other Discounts

Single Person Discount (SPD)

Your Council Tax assessment is based on two or more people living in a property. If only one person over the age of 18 is living there, a 25% discount is available. 

Apply - SPD


Other Discounts

Some people are not counted when we work out how many people live in your property - they are disregarded.

You can receive:

  • a 25% discount if all but one person living in your home is disregarded.
  • a 50% discount if everyone living in your home is disregarded.

The following people are disregarded:

  • people over 18 years of age in respect to whom child benefit is still payable
  • students
  • student nurses
  • apprentices on a low wage
  • youth training trainees
  • prisoners
  • long term hospital patients
  • people in residential care or nursing homes
  • carers or care workers who meet certain criteria
  • members of religious communities who have no income
  • members of international headquarters or defence organisations
  • certain school leavers under 20 years of age
  • Care leavers up to the age of 21

If you would like to apply for one of these Discounts please complete the form below, making sure you supply contact information and in ‘Section 37 – Extra Page’ please tell us the discount you would like to claim and we will be in touch with you as most discounts will require you to provide extra information or proof.

Apply for a Discount