For a planning application to be considered ‘valid’, it must contain all of the information necessary for us to make a fair decision in line with national and local policy and guidance. It is necessary to ensure that the plans provided are accessible and legible. Where applications attract a fee, that fee is required in order to consider the application valid.
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) regulates validation requirements at a national level, and sets out the mandatory national information requirements.
Local Planning Authorities may also request additional information above that required by the Order, in having regard to the nature and scale of the proposed, and where is it reasonable to consider it material in the consideration and determination of a planning application.
If your application is made invalid due to a lack of submission of any of the documents set out within the Validation Requirements document on this page, and you disagree with the requirement, you are strongly encouraged to discussion your concerns with us initially, and prior to submission where possible. If we cannot reach an agreement, there is a formal process you can follow; it is advised you follow national guidance here: Making an application - (
The quickest route to making a valid application is to submit your application via the Planning Portal website: Planning Portal
A public consultation was held in May 2024 seeking views from members of the public, agents and planning professionals on the proposed amendments, together with any other comments they may have. A review of these consultation responses has been undertaken and a report has been compiled summarising the main points raised with responses to these comments – Consultation responses Q&A [pdf] 109KB
Following a review of the consultation responses, these have been factored into the updated Castle Point Validation Checklist – Validation Checklist V3.4 Final [pdf] 355KB
A tracked changes copy highlighting amendments following the public consultation is also available – Validation Checklist V3.4 Final - tracked changes [pdf] 373KB